
Excerpt From


My emotions
Drift away

I think about it, but it's alright, it's alright,
it's alright,
it's alright

It's alright now...

My emotions
Drift away

I think about it
Every single day

Do I regret it?

What I'd say
That it's alright, it's alright, it's alright
Out in space
There's a feeling that runs through your veins

One that has no time, no space
Taking you higher
So that you can't deny it
That's when you're in love

Taking you higher
So that you can't deny it
That's when you're in love

Taking you higher
So that you can't deny it
That's when you're in love

That's when you're in love

Taking you higher
So that you can't deny it
That's when you're in love

Taking you higher
So that you can't deny it
That's when you're in love

Taking you higher
So that you can't deny it
That's when you're in love


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